Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Store Is Under Construction

Please be patient as we undergo some temporary maintenance on our store. We are moving all of our items into individual basic stores, but rest assured that all of our cool Ron Paul apparel, yard signs and buttons will be available for sale again soon. Thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy 51st Anniversary to Carol and Ron Paul

Wow! Fifty-one years! That is something to admire and look up to. Especially in today's world. On February 1st, Dr. Ron Paul and his wife, Carol, will be celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary. And we, the Ron Paul supporters, will help them celebrate by having a one day mass donation in honor of their commitment to each other. A website has been set up by grassroots efforts, where you can pledge to make your donation. The website is FiftyOneYears.com. All donations are to be made at the official Ron Paul website at, RonPaul2008.com.

The goal is to get 100,000 people to donate $51 each to equal a one day donation of $5,100,000!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bring the Troops Home

I am getting so tired of all the other candidates talking about how long this war needs to go on for. It is ridiculous. Just bring them home. Let's get out of other country's business and start minding our own. And what makes me the saddest is all the little children and babies here in America who don't understand any of this. All they understand is that daddy or mommy is not there every night tucking then into bed. They just know they are sad and want daddy or mommy to come home.

Just bring them home.

Monday, January 21, 2008

CafePress Election Meter

CafePress created this neat little tool called the CafeMeter. The tool tracks the data of which presidential candidates are hot, in terms of percentage of election sales per candidate. It also tracks how many new designs are created each week for each candidate. Ron Paul is not doing so well on CafePress, according to these charts. Well, not as well as I would have hoped, since Dr. Paul is the Internet Rockstar!

The data shows that for the week of Jan. 13th-19th, Obama remains at the top, well above the other candidates, with 29.15% of all sales. While, Hillary Clinton and Mike Huckabee, are neck and neck with 21.69% (Clinton) and 21.7% (Huckabee). Our dear ole' Ron Paul comes in 4th place with 11.83% of the sales. Giuliani, Edwards and McCain barely register the chart with 2-3% each, respectively.

As for products created, it gets really interesting. Hillary Clinton, who is almost tied with Huckabee for sale, has had the most products created for her campaign. Since, Jan. 19, 2008, she has had 613,901 products. Most CafePress shopkeepers don't really know how to tag their images correctly. So, I am assuming that these numbers also reflect the anti-Hillary designs, as well. But, I am not sure. Obama comes in second with 540,220 products. Then, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, John Edwards and Al Gore (is he running?), all come very close, with 116,296 (Giulini), 110,528 (Ron Paul), 99,438 (Gore), and 97,752 (Edwards).

I think we need to move Ron Paul's numbers up! Purchase unique Ron Paul t-shirts, Ron Paul For President buttons and Ron Paul 2008 campaign signs depicting unique messages about the Ron Paul Revolution; Or open your own store where you can put your own messages out there.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ron Paul Stuff By Gifted Twisted

I found some cool t-shirts, campaign stickers and buttons, and other great election gear at the Gifted Twisted online store. Here are a few of my favorites.

I really like this Ron Paul Revolution design. I love the profile and the American flag. It shows that Ron Paul is for America.

"Who is this man? And why is he trying to save my country? Ron Paul For President in 2008." Google Ron Paul to find out!

Issue: Energy

“ Any source that truly is cheaper and cleaner, yet still reliable, will not need government help to develop or sell. ”

Government regulations, taxes, and corporate subsidies have distorted the energy market, causing some prices to rise above what they would be in the free market, while artificially lowering other prices and discouraging conservation. The costs of energy subsidies are hidden in your tax bill so the government can silently withhold them from your wallet with each paycheck.

As president, I will work to restore a free-market in energy. In particular, I will work with Congress to repeal federal regulations and taxes that impede the development of new energy sources. Such policies give government bureaucrats the power to pick winners and losers, and cause resources to be devoted to those producers with the most political clout rather than to the producers who are best able to meet the needs of consumers. Alternative sources should prove their viability in the free market. Any source that truly is cheaper and cleaner, yet still reliable, will not need government help to develop or sell.

Returning to a free market in energy will encourage conservation as well as the development of new forms of energy. In a free market, conservation occurs naturally when property rights are strictly enforced to prevent pollution and because resources become more costly as they become scarcer.

I have cosponsored legislation designed to encourage the development of alternative energy. H.R. 550 extends the investment tax credit to solar energy property and qualified fuel cell property, and H.R. 1772 provides tax credits for the installation of wind energy property.

Nuclear energy can also provide the American people with a reliable and environmentally sound alternative. Therefore, I will repeal federal regulations that hinder the development of nuclear energy. However, I will also repeal all federal subsidies and privileges granted the nuclear industry. Nuclear power should prove its worth in the free-market.

Clean, safe, and reliable energy is far too important to leave to the political whims of Washington bureaucrats.

-Ron Paul www.RonPaul2008.com

Issue: Education

“The federal government does not own our children. Yet we act as if it does by letting it decide when, how, and what our children will learn.”

The federal government does not own our children. Yet we act as if it does by letting it decide when, how, and what our children will learn. We have turned their futures over to lobbyists and bureaucrats.

I support giving educational control back to parents, who know their children better than any politician in D.C. ever will.

The federal government has no constitutional authority to fund or control schools. I want to abolish the unconstitutional, wasteful Department of Education and return its functions to the states. By removing the federal subsidies that inflate costs, schools can be funded by local taxes, and parents and teachers can directly decide how best to allocate the resources.

To help parents with the costs of schooling, I have introduced H.R. 1056, the Family Education Freedom Act, in Congress. This bill would allow parents a tax credit of up to $5,000 (adjustable after 2007 for inflation) per student per year for the cost of attendance at an elementary and/or secondary school. This includes private, parochial, religious, and home schools.

Another bill I have sponsored, H.R. 1059, allows full-time elementary and secondary teachers a $3,000 yearly tax credit, thus easing their financial burden and encouraging good teachers to stay in an underpaid profession.

I have also introduced legislation to help families cope with the out-of-control costs of higher education. H.R. 193, the Make College Affordable Act, creates a full tax deduction for undergraduate college tuition, reasonable living expenses, and interest on qualified student loans.

Many parents have already shown their desire to be free of federal control by either enrolling their children in private schools or homeschooling them. And students enrolled in these alternatives have consistently performed better and tested higher than those in state-run schools.

Years of centralized education have produced nothing but failure and frustrated parents. We can resurrect our public school system if we follow the Constitution and end the federal education monopoly.

-Ron Paul www.RonPaul2008.com